Friday, December 14, 2018

Cardinal Hearlds The Presence of a Deceased Loved One?

Many people believe that a cardinal heralds the presence of a deceased loved one, a comforting idea during the acute stage of grief. Learn ideas on how to cope with intense grief during the holidays by visiting out site:

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Realistic Expecations During The Grief Process

We understand just how difficult it can be to overcome grief - and work hard to provide solutions that will help you and your family find comfort in your time of need. We also know that there can often be unrealistic expectations put on those recovering from grief. Here is one thing you may not have been told about grief recovery. For more information on our grief recovery services, click here: RH65+HX Northside, Houston, TX

Come for Group Therapy Every Saturday at 10am to 11am

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Grief & Loss Group Houston Tx - Every Saturday

Group Counseling

This group will help grievers connect with one another, in a safe and healing space. Join our group to work through your feelings of grief and to find healthy ways to move forward. We will meet every Saturday from 10-11:00a. Each group is $35.

***Phone screening, registration and payment are required.*** Please contact our office for further instructions.

Get Help and Support from a Group Counseling Session in Houston

Group Counseling At Grief Recovery Center, we specialize in a number of counseling options to help people identify and overcome barriers in their lives. For some, this may require dealing with the loss of a loved one or overcoming the loss of their job. People may even suffer from depression or anxiety and want to feel they are not alone.

Group counseling is a unique option for people who want to hear the stories of others to help them make meaning of their own experiences.

What Does Group Counseling Involve?

Group counseling in Houston is exactly as it sounds: you get specialized counseling help in a group setting. Working with one of our licensed therapists, you and several other people will meet on a regular basis to work through the issues or concerns you bring to the group.

Depending on your particular situation, you may wish to join certain groups including grief recovery, depression, anxiety, or another group. It’s often easier for people to process and overcome what is happening to them when they see that others are persevering as well. We’ll work with you to determine the right group counseling option for you.

Why Do People Seek Group Counseling?

Everyone comes to counseling for their own reasons. What seems unimportant to some people is a real source of anxiety or worry for other people. Some people come to group counseling to overcome feelings of inadequacy, to deal with a death in the family, or to find the courage to chase their dreams.

Other reasons people seek group counseling in Houston include:
  • Opening the lines of communication between family members
  • Refocusing on life goals
  • Managing stress and responsibilities at work
  • Dealing with unresolved feelings or issues related to death
  • Building confidence in themselves

Group counseling is ideal for people who are shy about talking about their own concerns or issues because they can absorb and learn so much from those around them without having to participate. We encourage as much participation in group counseling sessions as people are comfortable providing.

Keep in mind that counseling is designed to help you identify and overcome issues, situations, and concerns in your own life, so the more you offer, the more help you can get in group counseling sessions. Plus, you never know who you will be helping when you tell your story in a group setting at Grief Recovery Center.

What are the Benefits of Group Counseling?

  • If you’re feeling worried or stressed about something in your life and feel like it’s time for a change, group counseling can help you manage those feelings and create a plan that will help you move forward.
  • There are many benefits to seeking group counseling at Grief Recovery Center:
  • Our licensed therapists are experienced and professional
  • We have years of experience helping people overcome various issues and concerns
  • You’ll get plenty of opportunity to learn from others and apply lessons learned in your own life
  • You’ll feel supported from licensed therapists as well as members of the group
  • Groups can be tailored to specific topics and issues to ensure a good fit for your needs
  • You’ll have a chance to see how people overcome their own problems in real time
  • You’ll find a sense of renewed hope

There’s no judgement and plenty of support along the way Work with Licensed Therapists

At Grief Recovery Center, our licensed Houston therapists have years of experience working with people just like you who have successful overcome their issues through group counseling. Whether you want to work through feelings of grief or you want to build your confidence at work, group counseling can help you identify the roadblocks that are preventing you from moving on.

Our licensed therapists are highly trained and motivated to help you find your way back to the life you love. Together, along with other group participants, we can help you reach your counseling goals.

Contact Grief Recovery Center Today
If you’re struggling in an area of life that could be helped with counseling, consider Grief Recovery Center for group counseling sessions in Houston. There’s no limit to how many sessions you can attend and you might find that you start to feel relief and renewed hope for the future after a few sessions. Reach out to our licensed therapists today to schedule an appointment and find out how group counseling can help you live your best life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Grief Recovery Center Youtube Channel

Stop by our Youtube Channel to catch our latest videos. Our most recent video covers EMDR Therapy in Houston. Hit the "Learn More" to watch all of our videos and subscribe.

For Directions to Our Office:

Monday, December 10, 2018

Weekly Affirmation Challenge

Weekly Affirmation Challenge:

Take this affirmation, write it down, stick it on your mirror, on your desk, some place you will see it. Repeat it to yourself for just a few minutes, three times a day. Look at yourself in the mirror while you say it-watch yourself repeat the affirmation, see what you look like while you speak this thought into being.
RH65+HX Northside, Houston, TX, USA